Yo peeps - Let me quickly describe my current view to you guys. To the right of my computer I have a 350ml glass bottle of Coca-Cola Classic (apparently the reason it tastes so much better out of the glass bottle is because they use pure cane sugar when making it? I don't know if I made that up or it's a fact, let's just go with it) To my right is a giant window looking out on Avenida Corrientes, (One of the main east/west avenues of Baires) and in my backpack are two bottles of highly spicy and poetically titled hot sauces I just bought form Barrio Chino (China Town) Now these three things may seem to have no relation but they do, their connection is my comfort. I finally feel at home in this city, it took 6 months here, 2 weeks in Minnesota, 1 week in Cable Wisconsin and about 3 days on planes, trains and an air mattress lacking proper sealing for me to get here but today is the first day in a while I'm all like "bam, I'm moving through this place like wizzo. " I just started my 2 month long intensive Spanish courses at UBA (University of Buenos Aires) which run 2 hours in the middle of the day (if I had any other job then teaching english I have no idea how I could attend these classes, furthermore how any normal working person could). Speaking/hearing/participating en espanol for even that long seems to have flipped the switch for me, it reminded me that if you try, honestly try, you can really accomplish a lot. My entrance test put me at level 2, I then moved to 3, and tomorrow I'm hoping to jump to 5. I just needed to get out the mental rag and wipe the dust off the old thinking device I guess. Anyway life is good and it's because I remembered I'm in an awesomely big city to learn Spanish, and to my great luck that is the language the speak here.
Anyway, for those of you who were wondering; I did not take the year long job working at the Digital Marketing Agency, I had a very positive meeting with 3 people there and I liked the vibe/office/people and everything but when it came down to their very fair question of "Can you commit 100% to 1 year in BA?" I could not, I let em know, but it's always nice to go through the motions of getting a job and knowing what your potential is. Now I'm giving full hours teaching English to business people throughout the city, mostly within Citibank and a Train company, as well as my spanish classes. And saving money to make an epic trip in December, or maybe to try every quality restaurant in the metro area. Or to buy a motorcycle to drive back up the states. Or to pay back some of my student loans. haha just kidding that last one didn't make any sense did it?
Here's a pic from this past Sunday when me and my pals got free tickets to the Teatro Colon (on of the top 6 theaters for acoustic quality en el mundo, again this is not a citied fact but more of a feeling I got ). It was a horned/flute quintet with a French horn, flute, obo, bason, and calrinet. Music was lively and awesome, reminded me of springtime and Disney. The theatre itself is classy/gaudy but I guess that's how they did it back in 1862.

Anyway all is good here I hope all is good there and all of you should read the Dragon Girl Trilogy by Sveig Laarson, it's more addicting than sour skittles when you have a giant bag next to you at work.
Chavos - Basically is the same as amigos but I think it's used more in rural areas of Argentina.
Hasta el prozimo
So since it reminded you of Disney, does that automatically mean it reminded you of me? I would guess the answer to that would be yes. :)
ReplyDeleteSounds like things are going well. I'm glad you decided to relocate to the US in Dec. There's lots of room here in Wilmette if you want to job hunt in Chi-town.
ReplyDeleteMary - Of course when I heard that little flute twittering about on high notes I imagined you, JT and Mickey skipping through EPSCOT. Uncle John I really appreciate that offer, I am likely going to be taking you up on that. Thanks for reading, enjoy whats left of summer.
ReplyDeleteThoams, Thank you for sharing your entries. I find them very interesting. By the way what does Tea Dulce mean?
ReplyDeleteUncle Richard, sorry I just notived your question here. Tea Dulce translates into Sweet Tea, which is a nickname that I gave myself because I'm a dork. Hope that clears things up
ReplyDelete- sweet t