Bouncing Around

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Behind the curtain..

This must be the decision process that was followed.

I've been asking my students and friends here about the spill and very few are too keen on the situation. El Argentino, a free newspaper in BA, dedicates about 35% to international news (very fair number I think), but I haven't seen anything on the spill. When the headlines first broke about it leaking 50% more than originally thought there was a short quip, but nothing substantial. Than again Argentina has big papa Hugo Chavez to grant them oil, and China investing like mad in their energy infrastructure so in all reality, is it that important down here, away from the gulf coast and the suddenly sticky gumbo?

After consulting an expert in the industry of deep sea drilling I began to recognize that 5000ft below sea level is another world. Nobody knows how that kind of pressure can effect things, and as we've seen it is pretty much outer space (not the moon outer space, but like outer, outer space you know) down there. Wouldn't be surprised if we get a message from the sea people telling us how to fix the leak...

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