This must be the decision process that was followed.
I've been asking my students and friends here about the spill and very few are too keen on the situation. El Argentino, a free newspaper in BA, dedicates about 35% to international news (very fair number I think), but I haven't seen anything on the spill. When the headlines first broke about it leaking 50% more than originally thought there was a short quip, but nothing substantial. Than again Argentina has big papa Hugo Chavez to grant them oil, and China investing like mad in their energy infrastructure so in all reality, is it that important down here, away from the gulf coast and the suddenly sticky gumbo?
After consulting an expert in the industry of deep sea drilling I began to recognize that 5000ft below sea level is another world. Nobody knows how that kind of pressure can effect things, and as we've seen it is pretty much outer space (not the moon outer space, but like outer, outer space you know) down there. Wouldn't be surprised if we get a message from the sea people telling us how to fix the leak...
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Anyone getting hit with Pop-ups?
Hey guys, It's been brought to my attention that someone accessed this site and then got hit with a ton of pop-ups and spy-wear after leaving it open for a period of time. Has anyone else had this problem, comment on this post if you have so I can get to the bottom of this. Thanks.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Traga tu Paralluvia
Buenas amigos - Good evening, or for those of you on the west side good afternoon. Just a quick line here about two things.
1. If you mix garlic and onions together to cook anything it will always be good.
2. If you build it, they will come. As I said earlier, Haciendo Buenos Aires (The Bright, Smiling black and yellow face for government funded public work projects) built two awesome, giant pantellas (Screens; defines your cell phone screen or a 40 x 40 ft screen showing Messi messin people up) in two parks around the city. First Argentine game was last saturday, even with the passionate love for the beautiful game burning in the hearts of every argentine, the 10 Celsius weather and consistently damp rain really put a damper on watching the game outside on the screen in Plaza San Martin. Not to mention the dual ability for umbrellas to block falling water and anything resembling a good view of the screen. Long story short we watched the first half then went to a friends apartment to watch the U.S. game. Chris and Paola, a geo-physicist Texan and a very successful Argentine restauranteur, hosted us for the game and we feasted like medieval royalty. Here are some pics of the screens and a nice blending of Argen and American culture.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
First Argentine goal of the mundial. One doesn't need a T.V. to know whats happening in the game, simply open your windows.
Plaza San Martin has set up a huge big screen TV and food services outside to show all the cup games, I'm going there now to watch the rest of the ARG - NIG game, judging by the fact 2 argentines I work with skipped work yesterday to watch South Africa and Mexico play, I'm assuming there may be some passionate fans there. Chau amigos I'm going to shoot some epic pics too.
USA.USA.USA - Let's show those Brits what SOCCER is all about today.
Plaza San Martin has set up a huge big screen TV and food services outside to show all the cup games, I'm going there now to watch the rest of the ARG - NIG game, judging by the fact 2 argentines I work with skipped work yesterday to watch South Africa and Mexico play, I'm assuming there may be some passionate fans there. Chau amigos I'm going to shoot some epic pics too.
USA.USA.USA - Let's show those Brits what SOCCER is all about today.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Anoche sone sobre la copa...
Here's a sweet song from one of the World Cup commercials. I don't know about above the equator but down here the sense of excitement is palpable in the streets, actually in the bars and homes where you see every man from 2 - 98 glued to TV or radio disecting every tangent provided about el selecion nacinoal. I can't wait. Here's a link where you can download a bracket to see how the teams and groupings break down. Estaran listo chicos.
Anoche sone sobre la copa - Last night I dreamed of the cup
Download bracket here...
Anoche sone sobre la copa - Last night I dreamed of the cup
Download bracket here...
Monday, June 7, 2010
Demasiado Tiempo
Buenas Chicos - Otra vez, lo siento por la falta de tiempo, he estado muy ocupado pero no he hecho mucho. Sorry guys been passing the time with activities other than focusing my thoughts on what I've been doing as unique, which means I'm settled in, which is why I came here, which is a good thing,,,right? Anyway, in the dos semanas since we've vistoed eachother I've achieved two great things and a few minor, and failed on other fronts as well. Most importantly I have know found a spanish teacher I find both affordable and well, affordable. She is a Colombian girl who has lived here a few years, she actually worked as a copywriter in a small Advertising firm when she first got here (that's the title I call myself when trying to sound impressive to others in the industry. "Doctor." "Yes, Doctor" That kind of thing.) But I had one class, learned a whole mess of things I already knew or was slightly messing up. Plurals and male-feminine corrections are key, in my case I think I'm beyond that high school level stuff cause I so totally "don't have to think about it anymore" but in the complete truth of reality I most certainly need to both think about and practice these things. Did you know 1 o'clock is the only hour you say as singular, the rest are a las 8 o a las dos. It makes complete sense and I'm sure Ms. Irasauri taught that to me in 7th grade but I completely forgot it, those little things are what really make you look like a dummy stupid face when you screw them up with native speakers.
Anyway, Spanish class was really good, I'm actually about to go do homework, that I'm paying for, that I want to do, that is optional. Dang, been a while since I've thought of things like that.
Secondly I moved again to a nice apartment in Recoleta a few blocks from the train and my spanish class, I'm planning on going to Chile the first week of July so I'm going into anti-party hibernation mode to save up on that cashish. Assuming I can cut myself out from communication and find a few good books I'm confident a few weeks taking it easy would be good for body and soul, and wallet, and those who may be in, on, or around the dancefloor come Saturday nights around 3 am, thats when I really bring it usually. But enough on that; the best/maybe worst part about my new place is Larry David, the 18 month old cat that accompanies me everywhere here. She, yes her name is Larry, is a straight up matrix ninja which is sweet but I've never lived with a cat and they have unreadable tiger-like eyes, not being able to stare into an animals eyes and see whats up is like ordering a superpancho late at night from the street, you honestly don't know how things are going to turn out except for the fact there's going to be animal hair involved.
I wish, wish, wish, my camera wasn't broken cause you guys need to see the straight fire hazard haven, public packed pandemonium, argentine arena of arrested anarchy that was the bicentenario. It was really cool with many, many concerts and cultural demonstrations and military marches all culminating on that tuesday the 25th, Dia Independencia, with a pretty sweet parade. The whole gang was there Cristina Kirchner, hubby/puppet master Nestor, Lulu Presidente de Brasil, big daddy Hugo C, and the Bolivian president who's hair unfortunately got stuck on a tree branch from 1981 and never made it to the 21st century. It was a crazy packed event that was more a crazy and crowded then awesome event in all honesty, but I did see the Buenos Aires orchestra play a free concert on one of the widest boulevards in the world so I'm content.
Finally here are some long overdue pics from a Racing Futobol Club match I got to see, we had super dope seats with the owners of the only restaurant in the stadium. Had we been underneath the flag where the Hooligans sit I'm sure I'd either be really good friends with some of them or really good friends with some of the cops who are too afraid to even enter into their section.
More to come; I have a lot to say plus I'd like to start letting you know about some of the unique things BA has to offer. For example: they have not 1 but 2 TGI Fridays, and let me tell you this, after the argie-norm for a month, which really is pretty damn good, there is nothing like some patato skins, free refills and 30 peso burgers to get that overstuffed, over priced American smile back on your face. (I'm still licking Jack Daniel's sauce off my fingers from the meal I had 30 minuets ago) But seriously, I'm going to stop making this so much about me and more about the Citee, know what I mean. Cool, keep it real. I'll be back on American soil in just over 4 weeks. Can't wait to go to TGI Fridays.
Demasiado Tiempo - Too much time
Despertarse - To fall asleep. Ya me voy a despertarse

Anyway, Spanish class was really good, I'm actually about to go do homework, that I'm paying for, that I want to do, that is optional. Dang, been a while since I've thought of things like that.
Secondly I moved again to a nice apartment in Recoleta a few blocks from the train and my spanish class, I'm planning on going to Chile the first week of July so I'm going into anti-party hibernation mode to save up on that cashish. Assuming I can cut myself out from communication and find a few good books I'm confident a few weeks taking it easy would be good for body and soul, and wallet, and those who may be in, on, or around the dancefloor come Saturday nights around 3 am, thats when I really bring it usually. But enough on that; the best/maybe worst part about my new place is Larry David, the 18 month old cat that accompanies me everywhere here. She, yes her name is Larry, is a straight up matrix ninja which is sweet but I've never lived with a cat and they have unreadable tiger-like eyes, not being able to stare into an animals eyes and see whats up is like ordering a superpancho late at night from the street, you honestly don't know how things are going to turn out except for the fact there's going to be animal hair involved.
I wish, wish, wish, my camera wasn't broken cause you guys need to see the straight fire hazard haven, public packed pandemonium, argentine arena of arrested anarchy that was the bicentenario. It was really cool with many, many concerts and cultural demonstrations and military marches all culminating on that tuesday the 25th, Dia Independencia, with a pretty sweet parade. The whole gang was there Cristina Kirchner, hubby/puppet master Nestor, Lulu Presidente de Brasil, big daddy Hugo C, and the Bolivian president who's hair unfortunately got stuck on a tree branch from 1981 and never made it to the 21st century. It was a crazy packed event that was more a crazy and crowded then awesome event in all honesty, but I did see the Buenos Aires orchestra play a free concert on one of the widest boulevards in the world so I'm content.
Finally here are some long overdue pics from a Racing Futobol Club match I got to see, we had super dope seats with the owners of the only restaurant in the stadium. Had we been underneath the flag where the Hooligans sit I'm sure I'd either be really good friends with some of them or really good friends with some of the cops who are too afraid to even enter into their section.
More to come; I have a lot to say plus I'd like to start letting you know about some of the unique things BA has to offer. For example: they have not 1 but 2 TGI Fridays, and let me tell you this, after the argie-norm for a month, which really is pretty damn good, there is nothing like some patato skins, free refills and 30 peso burgers to get that overstuffed, over priced American smile back on your face. (I'm still licking Jack Daniel's sauce off my fingers from the meal I had 30 minuets ago) But seriously, I'm going to stop making this so much about me and more about the Citee, know what I mean. Cool, keep it real. I'll be back on American soil in just over 4 weeks. Can't wait to go to TGI Fridays.
Demasiado Tiempo - Too much time
Despertarse - To fall asleep. Ya me voy a despertarse

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